Life and Death in the
the Shadow of Vesuvius
Boscoreale seen by the
Seagulls, on the Road
Questo piccolo “Dream Chapter” dovrebbe essere dedicato alla mia seconda casa, conosciuta come “Sentiero degli Dei”, ma preferisco dividere questa parte della mia storia in due paragrafi, perché la veritá é che ci siamo ritrovati nella cornice pastorale di Agerola per salvarci la vita, e scampare alle ferite "dell’Assassino Invisibile” - come lo chiamavo io. Sarebbe facile scrivere di Agerola, e colorare ogni riga con le tonalitá pastello delle favole, ma é quando guardo il blue del mare sul Belvedere, che ricordo il miracolo di essere ancora vivi ed in salute, dopo l’incubo che la mia cittá di Boscoreale ha affrontato. L’assassino Invisibile era un nemico senza corpo, senza volto, e senza nome, una terza persona, un “lui” informe, che compariva con l’odore forte e spiacevole della spazzatura in putrefazione portata dal vento autunnale tra le stradine della mia cittá. Tutti sanno, che l’allarme dell’emergenza rifiuti a Napoli, fu il risultato della corruzione cronica, della cattiva gestione degli interessi della cittá e poi, dell’infiltrazione della malavita del posto in meccanismi delicati come la gestione rifiuti. Basta una lettura anche superficiale di qualunque libro di storia, dedicata a Napoli ed al Meridione, per trovare i colpevoli e la verita dal 1994 ad oggi, comunque …. Le cose peggiorarono tutte all’improvviso nell’Ottobre 2010. Il Premier Presidente del Consiglio di quegli anni, insieme ad altri leader politici, approvarono la folle idea di risolvere il problema dei rifiuti costruendo una Discarica alle Falde del Vesuvio, concentrandosi prima su una Cava dismessa (Cava Sari) ed una volta riempita, passare ad una cava più grande (Cava Vitiello)
Boscoreale é una cittá situata a 40 minuti da Napoli ed all’ombra del Vesuvio, in pratica- vivevamo a pochi passi dall’enorme discarica costruita nel 2008. Originariamente doveva trattarsi di un centro di smistamento rifiuti TEMPORANEO per sollevare Napoli dall’emergenza (250.000 tonnellate di rifiuti) nel frattempo che le forze politiche si accordassero su una soluzione concreta. La cava era collocata nel Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio, patrimonio UNESCO, ed area fertile, coltivata e protetta, celebre per le viti, la produzione di un vino unico (Lacrima Christy) e la pietra lavica.
Qwo years later, not only was the first dump fully functional, with no signs of shutting down, but the local government was trying to open up another dump nearby. Whole World knows that Landfills in the region have been often used by the local Mafia, the Camorra, for illegal dumping, and locals say health problems have worsened in those years. I lost one of my friends, Carmela, who died of leukemia. It was tough. People were slowly dying. I used to smell it coming, spreading throughout the streets, inside the houses, below the windows, I used to scream “dad!” telling him to shut down the doors as soon as possible.
Politics leader did not sell us the idea that they were doing something good.The first sign to see if your environment is healthy is to follow the change.Birds disappeared quickly, we only had seagulls, the air was changing the texture of things too.
We all thought, the smell was something that would be over in a week, but it wasn’t. I still remember, my fellow citizens defending our place like never before, sticking together against the police, the army and the government itself. “If this dump opens up, we would have to declare the Vesuvius National Park dead” – people used to say “Our land was and still is protected by clear laws to defend the nature here, for example, we can’t put up fences in this town to leave space for ferrets to go around freely, but then it makes no sense if the government can come here and cover up the place in trash.” It was a huge nonsense. Beside the fact that when you say Mount Vesuvius you are actually talking about UNESCO World Heritage.
This is the main reason why, I want you all to know that even if many people gave me hard time when I was young, and some others did not really believe in me when I started to build my dream in the music business, at the first opportunity I still mention my city, I bring it with me with its lights and shadows. You know, History can be so complex and pain can erase memories but the heart will always remember everything. I worked on a very important project with my partner Patrick J. Hamilton, a talented film director from Hollywood, California. We filmed a daily walk in Boscoreale, from dusk ‘til dawn, a city seen by the seagulls, on the road.
We wanted Boscoreale to shine out again,and we wanted to give to this little citythe record of being one of the very first citiesto be filmed in a cinematic 5Kshooting on Red Digital Cinema,
We wanted to instill hope in the heart of people as they often say “Boscoreale doesn’t offer nothing”. We tried to remind to the people that the true enemies are NOT those who take everything away from the people, but those who get the people used to “The Nothing”.