“Right There where Sky and Seadon't get divided into your eyes.”
When you look at the city of Agerola upon far distant shores, to its rocks and scattered stones over paths that go uphill, the mountains ranges and the bank of low clouds running faster than wind, you do know you don’t need the sea because your eyes can free dive from the sky above to the ocean below without any horizon to divide the view. Sky and Sea become one, until you can’t tell between ships and airplanes, boats and stars, and lastly, between people and angels
There’s something special about Agerola. It is like a home-made Nativity scene, where you pick up the figurines, like if they were parts of yourself, therefore, if bits of that crib are missing, like a dog at first, now a person, well, you know it. Here you end up bonding with every person you meet, and with every single one you can establish a different type of connection.
There are people that justroll off you like water off a duck,some others can merely graze the inner you,then, there are just a few peoplewho can shake you up and lastly,the important ones, all those peoplethat pass through your life.
Here, those who become your friends, stay forever as reflection of yourself. I met incredible people here in Agerola, Mario Sannino was one of those people. A friend who passed away November 2016.
A few months before it, I lost my guardian, my wolf, a wonderful intelligent dog, a free spirit, who loved me and protected me for longer 7 years of company and friendship. His name was “teddy bear” (orsacchiotto) but we all used to call him Cheeky. When he was a puppy, his owner abandoned him in the main square.
Since then all the people of Bomerano took care of him, and he guided the tourists down “The Path of the Gods” with the local tour guide. Agerola ended up to be like my nest, a secret cove where to run to meet my thoughts.
Almost any “Agerolese” will gladly reveal that the city is part of the Province of Napoli and that the rest of the Amalfi Coast is part of the Province of Salerno. These plain geographical facts are more telling about the people and their culture that one might initially realize.
In agerola we can all be some kind ofmr. and mrs happiness
Most tourists and travelers after Rome, go to visit Naples and then focus on the coast, visiting Praiano with its mosaic churches and shrines, Amalfi with its heroic maritime traditions and antique routes, and Positano with its intriguing architecture, beautifully intact seaside hilltown, aesthetic armony by repeating forms, surely one of the Amalfi coast’s jewels. Agerola exists floating in midair above a world that is separate from, but intrinsically a part of the Amalfi Coast. Positano is easy to love. It charmingly conforms to our idyllic dream of costal southern Italy and often feels like an appealing Disney film, but Agerola feels more like living on the set of Amarcord, a comedy-drama Fellini film set in 1930s .
To infinity…and beyond!"
People in Agerola are often very old, the live expectation goes up to 100 years too! Everyone makes their own wine, grows their own vegetables and really everything that comes out of the ground. There is a connection to the earth here that is neither precious nor overwrought. Born out of necessity and wartime deprivation, it just is, and that is Agerola. Old world Naples, ever changing and always proud. A confederacy of characters, all of whom live with gusto. We live by the credo waste not, want not, and we always eat well. Agerola is often referred to as the ‘Bread Capitol’ of Campania, These typically local breads include Tarallo, a donut shaped bread with a cracker like consistency and Pane Duro, a hard bread that is rehydrated in a dunk of cold water before eating. This type of bread is hearty, healthy and despite their brick-like appearance, surprisingly delicious. In Agerola people just want to know who you are so that they can gossip with you, or about you or to you. Well, they (we) love talking, chiefly about other people’s business. Everyone is very proud of their heritage and are quick to laugh, they will feed you, chide you, share a recipe and make you smile. If find yourself in Agerola, close your eyes, and open your heart. Explore life around you.
Walking from Bomerano’s Square, up to the breathtakingly lookout spot called as “Belvedere” I found a signboard, but it’s written only in Italian so, I thought to translate it for everyone else around the world.